July 13, 2015

‘n Duik op jou rekord?

Angela, ‘n gewone middeljarige vrou met ‘n basiese salaris, bevind haar in ‘n moeilike situasie wat dalk kan veroorsaak dat sy nie in Desember saam met haar familie in Mauritius vakansie kan hou nie. Angela het gou gaan brood koop voordat haar tienerseun uit die skool kom. Toe sy uit haar motor klim, het die kwaai Kaapse wind veroorsaak dat haar motordeur teen die deur van die motor langs haar waai en ‘n groot duik laat. Wat moet Angela doen? Moet sy dit net ignoreer en op ‘n ander plek parkeer? Is dit nie wat baie mense sou doen nie? […]
December 4, 2014

To sign or not to sign: Handwritten versus electronic signatures

We all know that a handwritten signature is legally binding on the party who made the signature. But what about an electronic signature? What is an electronic signature? Will a document be legally binding if signed electronically and not by hand? How easy is it to forge an electronic signature? Why should one consider using an electronic signature?  What is an Electronic Signature or e-signature? An e-signature is not an image of a scanned signature which is copied and pasted into a typed document. E-signatures can be divided into three categories, being Digital Signatures, Digital Certificates and Advanced Electronic Signatures […]
February 12, 2014


The Protection of Personal Information Bill, which will soon become law and is commonly referred to as POPI, seeks to regulate the processing of personal information.It must be read with other relevant statutes such as:• ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSACTIONS Act 25 of 2002 (‘ECT’) • PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION Act 2 of 2002 (‘PAIA’) • REGULATION OF INTERCEPTION OF COMMUNICATIONS Act 70 of 2002 (‘RICA’) • CONSUMER PROTECTION Act 68 of 2008 (‘CPA’)Personal information of both employees and clients is – given e-commerce and technology used in connecting businesses – becoming instantly accessible to third parties. POPI aims to […]
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